CBD Oil for Better Mobility in Impaired and Aging Dogs

One of the fastest-growing health for humans and pets in recent years is CBD oil. You may have read about CBD somewhere on the internet or heard about it at your vet's office or local pet boutique.

If you own an aging dog or one with limited mobility, you may wonder if this is just another trend. Still, you want to do the best you can for your pet without wasting money or risking the health of the pet.

Now we know that CBD oil for dogs is the reason for a lot of research. This article will tell you how it can be beneficial for your dog.

The THC in recreational marijuana for humans is toxic to dogs in large doses. But, the legal 0.3 percent of THC in hemp is too small to cause your dog any harm when you dose the hemp oil correctly.

Can CBD Oil Help My Aging or Physically-Impaired Dog?

CBD may be a beneficial component of your vet’s approved health plan for your dog. If the dog has issues with movement, suffers endless pain and inflammation, or chronic conditions arising due to age, CBD oil can be helpful.

Pain management

For senior dogs or disabled dogs, managing pain is essential to maintain a decent quality of life. Pain may result from surgery, injury, and chronic disease. It may also result from a progressive disease like arthritis, IVDD, and hip dysplasia. Reducing this pain will help your dog immensely.

Managing the pain will include prescription medications like opioids. These medications are often effective but usually have many serious side effects. These side effects include a high possibility of lethal overdose, long-term liver damage, and chemical dependence.

However, CBD is a natural supplement that is effective for reducing pain.

Reduce pain medications

CBD oil may improve the activity of opioids and NSAIDs. So, it's possible to reduce the dose of these drugs for your dog without lowering their quality of life. It is good news for dog owners who wish to avoid complications arising from using these types of medication for their dogs.


Since CBD oil can deal with inflammation and pain, it may help to improve your dog’s mobility as it grows older. So, you can enjoy those daily walks, trips to the dog park, and a swim in the pond.


Different CBD forms are beneficial to humans and pets alike. These include CBD vapes, CBD capsules, CBD topical oil, and so forth. After all, we all want to prolong the mobility of our canine for as long as possible.


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