CBD Capsules vs. CBD Oil

As CBD has increased in popularity, it has also led to the release of many new products containing the compound. Such a variety has many benefits for consumers, but it can also make things overwhelming for many. If your knowledge of CBD products is minimal, you'll face difficult questions about the CBD form to get and how to use it.

Many people struggle specifically between CBD oils and CBD capsules. These are standard CBD options, and people often mistake one for the other. CBD oil was the original consumption method for CBD, which perhaps explains why it continues to be a popular option.

Being the original format, CBD oil is now the base ingredient for several CBD products. The list includes CBD capsules, so if you use CBD capsules, you're mainly consuming CBD oil. Though there are some similarities between the two, there are some critical differences you should know about. Such knowledge will help make the decision easier.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil manufacturers use a CO2 extraction technique to get the oil from the hemp plant. The CBD extract is then infused in a non-reactive or inert oil type such as MCT (from coconut) or hempseed.

The conventional way to consume CBD oil is to use a liquid dropper to apply a few drops beneath the tongue. The user has to hold the oil there between a minute and a minute and a half before swallowing. It gives the compound time for direct absorption into the bloodstream.

Others also consume CBD oil by using it as a food ingredient or additive during baking or cooking. If you can find your way around a kitchen, you can work wonders with CBD oil in your food.

What are CBD Capsules?

Manufacturers make CBD capsules using a similar production process to CBD oil. However, CBD capsules use a full-spectrum hemp plant extracts. They then place the full-spectrum extract in soft gel capsules before suspending in MCT carrier oil. It boosts the volume and promotes digestion.

You can take CBD pills just as you’d consume any other tablet medication. All you need to do is to swallow the capsule with water.


CBD is one of the more than 100 chemical compounds present in the hemp plant. These compounds are known as cannabinoids. CBD products such as CBD oil and CBD capsules strive to minimize the amount of THC they contain. Users need to learn the difference between these products. Other CBD products such as CBD cream for sale also exist, and you get these from CBD Outlet.


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