Are CBD Capsules Better Than CBD Oil?
Both CBD and THC, two of the over one hundred cannabinoids from the hemp plant, directly interact with receptors present in the endocannabinoid system. These cannabinoids contribute positively to the regulation of various processes throughout the body, including pain and sleep.

CBD products should legally contain less than a predetermined amount of THC. It is usually set between 0.2 percent and 0.3 percent, depending on your state and country.

CBD is not psychoactive like THC, meaning it won’t make you high. It’s the reason you won’t ever feel stoned after consuming CBD.

Exploring How CBD Oil Compares with CBD Capsules

It’s important to talk about the concept of bioavailability of CBD. It’s the scientific term for how much CBD your body uses compared with how much you initially consume.

CBD bioavailability will be different for every possible combination of CBD product format and consumption method. There could sometimes be a wide variation between one and another, such as CBD lotion for pain and CBD vapes.

Studies have revealed that sublingual tinctures of CBD oil absorbed straight into the bloodstream have a bioavailability range of 12 to 35 percent. On the other hand, CBD capsules have a low bioavailability rate of 4 to 20 percent, though the upper limit is quite an optimistic estimate. The reason may be due to the separate outer layer of the capsule and also using the coconut oil to suspend the CBD, causing it not to digest appropriately.

Comparing both bioavailability rates puts CBD oil as the clear winner.

CBD oil s a concentrated extract; therefore, you get more CBD per dose and a higher absorption rate in the body.

CBD oil also reacts faster, and the effects are more rapid than CBD capsules. CBD oil absorption occurs within minutes of consumption, immediately interacting with the body's cannabinoid receptors.

Price and Dosage

CBD oil is far cheaper than CBD capsules, and because there’s greater bioavailability, you can get more value for your money. The value is more evident when you consider the fast-acting effect and uses concentrated extract.

Surprisingly, droppers offer a more reliable CBD dosage compared to the CBD capsules of unknown dosage. Manufacturers often list the amount of oil in CBD capsules, but the potency is never shown.


Both formats are relatively convenient, but water is more straightforward to swallow with CDB capsules than liquid droppers that require you to count to sixty when you use CBD oil.

It's also easier to use CBD capsules in public. They are more convenient to take with you on trips too.

However, CBD capsules win hands-down when it comes to taste. Not everyone can bear the earthy, raw taste of CBD oil even with the tricks that some people use.


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